Abu Dhabi Judicial Department ADJD has achieved another milestone by exchanging its expertise with the Korean Institute of Justice. This is done with a progressive approach to enhance Abu Dhabi’s competitive position as a global player. The collaboration between Abu Dhabi Judicial Department ADJD and the Abu Dhabi Judicial Academy ADJA has worked together to make this possible. They have jointly conducted a workshop with the Institute of the Republic of Korea.
It was a joint effort of Abu Dhabi Judicial Department ADJD, Abu Dhabi Judicial Academy ADJA, and the Institute of the Republic of Korea. The entire emphasis was placed on modern systems, developing Human resources, and adopting the latest techniques to manage the centers. The implementation in handling rehabilitation centers and correctional centers were discussed in detail. The prime objective of organizing the joint workshop is to exchange knowledge, expertise, skills, and learning from each other. Besides, the agenda of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department ADJD is to ensure international best practices in the Emirates. Please contact lawyers in Abu Dhabi, to grab the details about this next judicial exchange.
The major focus is laid on enhancing Abu Dhabi’s legal position in the world’s competitive markets. Nonetheless, the workshop is part of a series managed by the ADJD. This was done in collaboration with international, local, and regional judicial authorities in the Emirate. It was fully supported by the government of UAE. Lawyers in Emirate of Abu Dhabi are the great source for helping
Major Goal
The Major goal is to strengthen the partnerships with other nations in the world. Moreover, it also encourages local and regional bodies to adopt international practices in Abu Dhabi. This landmark initiative underscores the commitment of the Abu Dhabi government to integrate the society according to international standards. Besides, it undermines rehabilitating inmates into the society by emphasizing on extensive legislation. In the workshop, it was highlighted that Abu Dhabi is keen on making efforts for rehabilitation centers and correctional centers to meet the International Human Rights Convention. Furthermore, the participation of Abu Dhabi in this collaboration speaks for itself.
Recent Laws
The recent laws that regulate the correctional centers and even the rehabilitation centers were also discussed in detail. As per the law, the transfer of managerial responsibilities is shifted to the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department ADJD. This is a step towards developing and reconstructing more effective and efficient rehabilitation and correctional centers in Abu Dhabi. The Korean Institute of Justice also explained the significance of collaborating with the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department ADJD. In the workshop the potential was discussed thus, shedding light on the potential for exchanging insights, ideas, and corrective actions for further improvements in the systems. Furthermore, the possibilities of advanced techniques and training programs were also discussed, and how helpful these collaborations are.
Stress is laid upon using modern technology in the centers along with vocational training programs and psychotherapy. The historic step was aimed at reintegrating the inmates into the Abu Dhabi society. This will further prevent recidivism and even prevent juvenile offenders.
Korean Institute of Justice
The Korean Institute of Justice has mentioned their experience in the correctional centers in Korea. They also talked about the process for training and qualification for correctional officers in Korea. This provides a better understanding to the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department ADJD about the modern training, latest programs, and field training usefulness. Additionally, the expertise and experience shared will also assist in practical application.
This will bring more professionalism and efficiency among the officers. It also improves the productivity of the field training officers. All this is accredited to contribution between Abu Dhabi Judicial Department ADJD and the Institute of Korea. The core motive is to create legal awareness and also focuses on the protection of human rights.